Posted on 15 November 2015. Tags: American, Anthony Barcellos, August Mark Vaz, Canadian, Carlo Matos, Darrell Kastin, Frank X. Gaspar, George Monteiro, Irene Marques, Katherine Vaz, literature, Luis Gonçalves, Millicent Borges Accardi, Portuguese, Sam Pereira, writers
Posted in Arts&Culture, Azores, Books, Community, Featured, Heritage, Life Style, Madeira, People, Portugal
Posted on 05 October 2013. Tags: A Tale of the Azorean Nights, Blue Mesa Review, Darrell Kastin, Francisco do Canto e Castro, Gabriel García Márquez, Gávea-Brown, Josefina Amarante do Canto e Castro, magical realism, NEO Magazine, Peter S. Beagle, Richard Zimler, The Conjurer & Other Azorean Tales, The Crescent Review, The Seattle Review, The Undiscovered Island, The Windsor Review
Posted in Arts&Culture, Azores, Books, Community, Featured, Heritage, People, Portugal, World
Posted on 03 December 2012. Tags: Anthony Barcellos, Anthony De Sa, Carlo Matos, Darrell Kastin, Frank X. Gaspar, George Monteiro, Karen Carissimo, Millicent Accardi, PA, Portuguese, Robert Henry Moser, Rogério Miguel Puga, Sam Pereira, Traci Brimhall
Posted in Arts&Culture, Azores, Books, Community, Featured, Heritage, People, Portugal
Posted on 05 July 2012. Tags: author, Azores, Canto, Carolina Matos, Castro, Darrell Kastin, December 2012, Faial, Horta, Jewish, novel, Other Azorean Tales, Portuguese, Russian, Tagus, The Conjurer, The Undiscovered Island
Posted in Azores, Books, Community, Corvo, Faial, Featured, Flores, Heritage, Interviews, Music, Pico, Portugal, Santa Maria, São Jorge, São Miguel, Spotlight, TopSpotlight, World