Shadowboxing with Bukowski is the tragicomic tale of Nicholas Kastinovich, a young bookseller who struggles to keep his bookstore afloat in the harbor town of San Pedro, CA, where the infamous Charles Bukowski dwells. Ostracized by fellow business owners, pushed to the edge by many things, not least of which is the curmudgeonly ghost of the former owner, the intrepid book lover fights the noble battle against mediocrity and apathy.
About the Author
Darrell Kastin was born in Los Angeles, California, of Portuguese and Russian-Jewish descent. His maternal ancestors came from the Azores, settling in the United States at the end of World War II. He has spent considerable time on the islands over the years, using them as a setting for many of his short stories and novels. His debut novel, The Undiscovered Island, published in 2009, won the 2010 Silver IPPY Independent Publisher’s Award for Multicultural Fiction. Currently out of print, a new revised edition will soon be forthcoming with an introduction by award-winning author Katherine Vaz, who wrote “What a wild, big, gorgeous book! Amazing, amazing. Metaphor and myth turn into history and history explodes into human connection…the pages are saturated with such fine sea mist…” Kastin is the author of The Undiscovered Island (2009) and The Conjurer & Other Azorean Tales (2012). Shadowboxing with Bukowski is a fictionalized memoir based on his days as a San Pedro bookstore owner.
Book Details
- Title: Shadowboxing With Bukowski
- Author: Darrell Kastin
- Publisher:
- Date of Publication: May 1, 2016
- Digital Edition: May 1, 2016
- Language: English
- Paperback: 251 pp.
- File size: 2224 KB
Source: Fomite
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