Portuguese American Journal

Google doodles poet Antero de Quental – Portugal

Portugal-based Google search engine users were surprised Wednesday to find a “doodle” of Portuguese poet Antero de Quental on the 100 anniversary of his birth.

Born in Ponta Delgada, Azores, on April 18, 1842, Antero de Quental distinguished himself as a philosopher, poet, writer and social activist.

A leader of the 19th century socialist ideals, he enrolled at the University of Coimbra, in 1856, where he engaged on political activism and became legendary for his eccentric romantic inclination. He traveled abroad and visited the United States briefly in 1868.

Afflicted by depression, he returned to the Azores later in life where he committed suicide on September 11, 1891. He is particularly revered for his sonnets translated in many languages.

Since 1998, doodles are known as the decorative changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists and scientists.

When doodles were first created, nobody had anticipated how popular and integral they would become to the Google search experience. Nowadays, many users excitedly anticipate the release of each new doodle and some even collect them.


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A um poeta (Antero de Quental)

Tu que dormes, espírito sereno,
Posto à sombra dos cedros seculares,
Como um levita à sombra dos altares,
Longe da luta e do fragor terreno.

Acorda! É tempo! O sol, já alto e pleno
Afugentou as larvas tumulares…
Para surgir do seio desses mares
Um mundo novo espera só um aceno…

Escuta! É a grande voz das multidões!
São teus irmãos, que se erguem! São canções…
Mas de guerra… e são vozes de rebate!

Ergue-te, pois, soldado do Futuro,
E dos raios de luz do sonho puro,
Sonhador, faze espada de combate!

Voice by anaxandron

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