Portuguese American Journal

Book | Sonnets and Selected Poems | by Antero de Quental – Editor’s Note

Grappling with metaphysical questions of suffering, death, and infinity, Antero de Quental’s sonnets have been widely celebrated by writers and intellectuals around the world, with Fernando Pessoa calling him “one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century.” Irreverent and nonconformist,  Antero became the ideologue and moving spirit behind the group of progressive intellectuals known as the Generation of 1870 who rebelled against tradition and attempted to reverse Portugal’s intellectual stagnation. This is the first bilingual (Portuguese-English) edition of Antero’s sonnets and poems, as well as the first to assemble the translations by Aubrey F. G. Bell, Roy Campbell, Richard Garnett, George Monteiro, S. Griswold Morley, Fernando Pessoa, Edgar Prestage, and Richard Zenith in a single volume edited by Onésimo T. Almeida, professor of Portuguese and Brazilian studies at Brown University, and Mário Pereira, executive editor of Tagus Press.


About the Author

Antero de Quental (1842–1891), born in Ponta Delgada, Azores, was a highly influential poet, and philosopher considered one of the greatest Portuguese language poets of his generation. He studied law at the University of Coimbra, where he became involved in social and political ideals. Antero’s poetry, particularly his sonnets, are a testament to his intellectual and spiritual growth and reflect his readings in European philosophy and literature. His poetry is known for its introspection, melancholy, and existential themes, influenced by the works of German philosophers such as Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. His first collection of poems, “Sonetos Completos,” published in 1865, established him as one of the leading poets of the Portuguese Romantic movement.  


Book Details

Author: Antero de Quental

Editors: O. T. Almeida & Mário Pereira

Publisher: Tagus Press

Series: Bellis Azorica 

Publication Date: March 31, 2023

Language: English

Paperback: 272pp

Available @ Amazom.com

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