Sponsored by the Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives, the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth released Final Report: a History of the Portuguese American Citizenship Project coordinated by James Martin McGlinchey.
The project was created to encourage Portuguese-Americans to participate more fully in civic affairs and gain a stronger voice in their own governance. The Final Report documents the Project’s data-driven programs to promote adoption of U.S. citizenship, registering to vote and, most importantly, voting. These non-partisan ‘Campaigns without Candidates’ did not promote any political party or cause but carried the message that voting is not only a vital civil right but brings with it a greater good benefit for the entire community.
Throughout its 16 years of operation, the Project conducted non-partisan voter outreach with cultural, fraternal and religious organizations in communities located in California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. During that time, the Project submitted over 50 periodic reports on its programs for its Board of Directors and principal sponsors at the Luso-American Foundation and the Regional Government of the Azores. As implied in its title, this Final Report is the last submission. McGlinchey will donate all materials from the project to the Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese-American Archives.
About the Author
From 1999 to 2009, McGlinchey served as the Coordinator of the Portuguese American Citizenship Project. He worked with churches, clubs and social welfare organizations on grass-roots civic campaigns in communities ranging from factory towns in New England to farming communities in California. In 2009, McGlinchey resigned from his position but continued to serve on the Project’s Board of Directors until it closed in 2016.
Book Details
- Title: Final Report: a History of the Portuguese American Citizenship Project
- Author: James Martin McGlinchey
- Publisher: Opus Self-Publishing
- Language: English
- Date of Publication: January 7, 2020
Available: Amazon.com (Kindle edition) and online (Hardcover)