Posted on 31 October 2014. Tags: August Mark Vaz, author, awards, Briggs-Copel, Fado and Other Stories, Fellowship in Fiction at Harvard University, fiction, Katherine Vaz, Mariana, Millicent Borges Accardi, National Endowment for the Arts, novels, Our Lady of the Artichokes, Portuguese, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Suadade, The Portuguese in California, University of California at Davis, Vamberto Freitas, woman
Posted in Arts&Culture, Azores, Books, Community, Featured, Heritage, Interviews, People, Portugal, World
Posted on 13 January 2013. Tags: Azorean, Azores, Carlo Matos, City Colleges of Chicago, Fall River, immigrant, interview, MA, Michael Colson, Millicent Accardi, poets, Porterville College, Portugal, Portuguese, Portuguese-American, Sao Miguel, Vamberto Freitas, writers
Posted in Arts&Culture, Azores, Books, Community, Featured, Heritage, Interviews, People, Portugal, São Miguel, World
Posted on 10 December 2012. Tags: Alfred Lewis’sEscobar, Amy Sayre, Anhinga, author, Azorean, Azores, Brittingham, Carlos Queiros, Disquiet, fiction, Frank X. Gaspar, Gávea-Brown, Katherine Vaz, Lara Gulart, Leaving Pico, Lisbon, Long Beach City College, Margarida Vale de Gato, Miguel Vaz, Millicent Accardi, Morse, Paula Neves, Pico, Portugal, Portuguese, Presence/Presença, Provincetown, Pushcart Prizes, Rui Zink., Tagus Press, Teresa Alves, Teresa Cid, Tony Roma, University of California, Vamberto Freitas, West End
Posted in Awards, Azores, Books, Community, Heritage, Interviews, People, Pico, Portugal, World