Portuguese American Journal

PLCS: Fernando Pessoa as English Reader and Writer – Call for Papers

Patricio Ferrari  and Jerónimo Pizarro, Guest Editors for the  upcoming  issue of the Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies / 28, are calling for papers under the topic of Fernando Pessoa as English Reader and Writer.

Fernando Pessoa’s British education left long-lasting traces in his writings, particularly (but not exclusively) in his English texts. The aim of this issue is to study the pivotal role that the English language and literary tradition played in Pessoa’s production throughout his life. In order to achieve this, we propose a volume traversing a wide range of topics bridging the author’s Archive and Private Library. (For the Private Library see http://casafernandopessoa.cm-lisboa.pt/bdigital/index/index.htm ).

The deadline for submission is 30 June 2013. The Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies (PLCS) welcomes submission of original and unpublished manuscripts appropriate to the goals of the journal. We encourage authors to submit articles in English.

Themes to be addressed in this issue include:   The Durban Years; Short and Long Poems; The Art of Drama;Early Fiction and Detective Stories; Cinema; English Masks;  Bilingualism; Translation; Shakespeare;Romantic Poets;  Modernist Journals; Psychopathology; Historiography and Nationalism; Rationalism; Esoteric Writings; Textual Criticism; Marginalia; and Selected Bibliography.

Please send submissions to the Guest Editors: Patricio Ferrari: ferraripatricio@gmail.com and Jerónimo Pizarro: j.pizarro188@uniandes.edu.co  

In addition to its thematic focus, PLCS will continue to publish permanent sections for which we also solicit contributions. We welcome submissions for the following sections: Essays, Reviews and Fiction. Please send submissions for these sections to the Editor-in-Chief: João Cezar de Castro Rocha (UERJ): jccr123@yahoo.com.br  

The Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies is published by Tagus Press at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, in partnership with the University Press of New England.

Via Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture/UMD

updated: 05/04/13

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