Portuguese American Journal

Launched: International Graduate Certificate Program in Portuguese Global Studies – e-Learning

The Open University of Portugal and Lesley University in Cambridge, MA, USA, are jointly launching their first International Graduate Certificate Program in Portuguese Global Studies.

Starting January 2014, the program is oriented mainly toward: (i) Portuguese heritage-descendents in the United States who want to reconnect with their family background origins or just want to acquire additional qualifications either for professional or personal reasons; (ii) Portuguese Heritage Language Educators from the most varied fields of work; and (iii) people in general who may want to enrich their Education.

This is a one-year graduate Certificate program with a dual credit system; 15 USA graduate credits and 25 European Credits (ECTS), which is automatically recognized throughout Europe.

The program of study is interdisciplinary in nature involving areas from the Humanities, History, Politics, Literature, Arts and Education. The program implements a blended modality of teaching and learning, comprising of online classes with only two weekends of face to face sessions at Lesley University. The course will be taught in English.

For more information >> International Graduate Certificate Program in Portuguese Global Studies >>

Source: Open University of Portugal


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