The InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS) online has launched its first issue. A printed issue will be made available soon.
Published annually, IJPDS is a peer-reviewed international academic journal affiliated with Anderson University, Indiana, USA. The journal publishes original research, evaluation studies, case reports, review articles, and book reviews in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or French.
According to the editors, Irene Maria F. Blayer, from Brock University (Canada), and Dulce Maria Scott, from Anderson University (USA), the journal will provide “a multidisciplinary, intercontinental, and polyphonic forum, which will permit dialogue among Portuguese and non-Portuguese scholars involved in research and creative work related to the Portuguese diaspora throughout the world.”
Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis and may include “narratives representative of the Portuguese diaspora and whose message is conveyed in visual texts (photography), and/or creative/fictional writing (such as poetry and short stories). Papers submitted for publication may address any aspect of the Portuguese diaspora from humanities and social sciences perspectives.”
The editors also welcome “contributions from scholars in the humanities and social sciences, as well as writers and poets working in areas of the Portuguese diaspora within a transnational sense of community and self.”
Currently, IJPDS is compiling a list of MA and Ph.D. thesis abstracts related to Portuguese diaspora studies.
For more information and submission guidelines visit >>
Source: IJPDS
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