Portuguese American Journal

Highest percentage of children owning a laptop – Portugal

A study in 25 European countries revealed that Portugal leads the ranks in terms of the highest percentage of children owning a laptop with 65 percent of kids having their own, in comparison to the European average of 24 percent.

As a result Portugal is also the country where the greatest number of young girls and boys access the Internet from their bedrooms, without adult supervison, which exposes them to greater risks.

According to Ana Nunes de Almeida, a researcher from the Institute of Social Sciences, “Portugal was late in reaching modernity, but the penetration of the Internet in Portuguese homes has been at a vertiginous pace.” In 2005,  31% of the Portuguese households had access to the Internet. 

In 2009, Portugal launched the largest program in the world to equip every child in the country with a laptop to access the web and the world of collaborative learning.

 Portugal has also invested 400 million euros to provide each classroom with access to the Internet.  Just about every classroom in the Portuguese education public system has an interactive smart board, instead of the old fashioned blackboard.


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