Portuguese American Journal

Gartner: ISA nominated “Cool Vendor 2012” – Stamford, CT

Portuguese company, Intelligent Sensing Anywhere (ISA), based in Coimbra, Portugal, specializing in Telemetry and Remote Assets Management, was nominated “Cool Vendor for Smart City Applications”   by Gartner Inc..

The nomination lists ISA in the Gartner’s annual  “Cool Vendors 2012” report which ranks the most innovative IT solutions companies in the world. Launched in 2004, the annual “Cool Vendors” is recognized as one of the most relevant IT industry reports.

ISA was recognized for its ability to develop smart city innovative solutions, which include smart monitoring and management of energy consumption in buildings, homes, and water supply treatment networks.

ISA has installed over 50.000 systems around the world.  ISA also exports products, applications, and IT solutions in the fields of electronics and software development.

ISA  was founded in 1990 as a spin-off company of the University of Coimbra. Present in more than 20 countries, it has subsidiaries in Spain, France, UK and Brazil.

Gartner Inc. , headquatred in Samford, CT, is a world renowned information technology research and advisory company with more than 5,000 associates in 85 countries, serving over 12,00 clients worldwide.



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