The Associação Portuguesa de Estudos-Anglo-Americanos (APEAA) — Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies — is organizing its international Annual APEAA Conference 2011 dedicated to the theme “Current Debates in English and American Studies.”
The conference will be held on May 12-14 at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, at the University of Coimbra.
The general aim is to discuss current trends and future directions in research and teaching in the different areas of English and American Studies.
Specific aims are to provide a forum for young scholars to present their work and to stimulate inter-institutional exchange.
General Areas:
Language and Linguistics
Studies of Culture
Comparative Literature and Culture
Women’s Studies
Translation Studies
Post-Colonial Studies
Visual Culture
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Eighteenth-Century Studies
Nineteenth-Century Studies
Modernism and Postmodernism
Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies is based at the Department of Linguistics and Literatures at the University of Évora.
Deadline for regular registration: 10 April 2011