UMass Dartmouth Assistant Professor of Nursing, Maryellen Brisbois, Ph.D, APHN-BC, was awarded for creating a transatlantic health education project –Bridging the Atlantic – between Massachusetts and the Azores to improve health globally.
The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER)’s “Projects That Work” competition sought projects from around the globe to improve health education and impact.
Brisbois, who participated in the international medical education conference, presented Bridging the Atlantic: An international alliance in community health among American and Azorean nursing students & faculty, with Dr. Helder Rocha Pereira from the University of the Azores School of Health. The Brisbois’ project winning entry has now the chance to reach a large global audience.
The Brisbois’ project looks to create a sustainable international alliance in community health among American and Azorean nursing faculty and students by fostering professional relationships, enhancing cultural awareness, identifying health and health care roles from a global perspective, and exploring collaborative research opportunities.
An active student and faculty exchange between UMass Dartmouth and the University of the Azores has seen the participation of 84 students and 26 faculty over the past four years. Faculty and students have worked with vulnerable groups in both the U.S. and Portugal to collect research data and implement health promotion and education projects to address health issues and disparities.
Professor Brisbois and students will be presenting the project at Network: Toward Unity for Health conference in Limerick, Ireland August 16 -20, 2018. The theme of the conference is Community Empowerment for Health: A Multi-sector Approach.
Source (Press Release): University of Massachusetts Dartmouth