The Portuguese government announced Thursday the creation of the Strategic Council for the Internationalization of the Economy (Conselho Estratégico de Internacionalização da Economia- CEIE).
The newly created institution will be chaired by Prime Minister Passos Coelho in cooperation with Ministers of State Victor Gaspar (Finance) and Paulo Portas (Foreign Affairs) and the Minister of Economy and Employment Álvaro Santos Pereira.
Four private organizations will be invited to work in partnership the newly created CEIE.
The CEIE mission is to “assess and endorse public policies and private initiatives aimed to promoting the internationalization of the Portuguese economy through foreign investment, development and cooperation” the announcement said.
The newly created CEIE will also oversee the merging of AICEP and Tourism of Portugal with the Portuguese external diplomatic representations.
AICEP and Tourism of Portugal are public institutions in charge of promoting trade, foreign investment and tourism.