Portuguese American Journal

Book: ‘Room39 and the Lisbon Connection’ by Anthony Wells – Editor’s Note

The introduction and the prologue detail quite explicitly what my novel is about. My book is based on a true story and lead characters, several of whom I knew personally in the late 1960s and early 1970s before they passed away. I never did meet Ian Fleming, the creator of the James Bond novels, as he left the UK for the West Indies after the end of World War II. My book is therefore a historical novel with hitherto largely untold aspects based on my own personal knowledge, research, and professional experience. It’s a great novel because as several reviewers have pointed out no one has ever told the story of how Room 39, Ian Fleming, and his boss and colleagues worked to undermine the Nazis in Portugal, and Lisbon specifically, and the ending with the meeting in NYC with Wild Bill Donovan. My novel shows how Fleming used his experiences in Room 39 as the basis for his postwar Bond novels.


About the Author

 Dr. Anthony R. Wells is the only living person to have worked for British Intelligence as a British citizen and U.S. Intelligence as an American citizen. He has worked in C4ISRT, counter terrorism, as well as asymmetric and irregular warfare. Dr. Wells has led programs in the U.S National Intelligence Community to mitigate the effects of terrorist and adversary attacks on personnel, infrastructure, political systems, and communities. He was trained in the 1960s by the most distinguished exponents of deception and other clandestine operations from the World War Two period. He succeeded the late Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Naval Operations, and the late Rear Admiral Clarence “Mark” Hill, distinguished battle group commander and naval aviator. He was made an honorary crew member of the USS Liberty by surviving crew members. USS Liberty is the most highly decorated warship in the history of the US Navy for a single action. He is an acknowledged expert on the Middle East, and the 1967 June War.

Book Details


  • Title: Room39 and the Lisbon Connection
  • Author: Anthony Wells
  • Publisher:Xlibris US
  • Date of Publication: June 11, 2021
  • Language: ‎English
  • Paperback: ‎246pp



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**Report a correction or typo to editor@portuguese-american-journal.com. We are committed to upholding our journalistic standards, including accuracy. Carolina Matos/Editor.

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