The material composing the greater part of this little volume — writes the author in a short Preface — was originally written to occupy some of the leisure moments of the author, without a thought to its future publication. But the many questions proposed to him in social intercourse respecting the Azores have at length induced him to prepare the following pages in their present form, for the information of those who feel any interest in the subject. Most of the historical facts related were carefully revised and corrected from authentic sources during the writer’s late sojourn at these Islands. That his labor may prove a source of some interest and entertainment to the reader is the sincere wish of the author.
At the end of the volume the author concludes:
As I draw my narrative to a close, I feel that I have scarcely done justice to my subject, especially that portion of it relating to the physical condition of the Islands; and it seems as if I had but drawn aside for a moment the thick veil shrouding a beautiful picture, and let it drop again before the beholder could mark the finest touches of that grand, unsurpassed master-artist — NATURE. Reader, if the perusal of this little volume shall contribute in any way to your pleasure, the author will consider himself well repaid for his labor of love in bringing his country into notice, and adding another to the world of books.
About the Author
Manuel Borges de F. Henriques (c.1833-1873) is a native of Flores island, Azores, who lived in the Boston area since a young age. This book is the only title known to his name. He was a merchant, consul of Portugal and vice-consul of Brazil in Boston. He committed suicide on October 17, 1873, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol, probably on account of financial embarrassment.
Book Details
- Title: A Trip to the Azores or Western Islands
- Author: M. Borges de F. Henriques
- Publisher: Scholar’s Choice
- Date of Original Publication: 1867
- Reprint Edition: February 12, 2015
- Language: English
- Paperback: 150 pp.
Related: Monteiro, G. (2010), M. Borges de F. Henriques in the United States. Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta, 19: 443-461.