Portuguese American Journal

Awards: President Cavaco do Silva honors 30 individuals from the Portuguese diaspora – Portugal Day

The President  of Portugal, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, has awarded 30 personalities from the Portuguese diaspora with Portugal’s Honorific Orders, as part of the celebrations of Portugal Day observed officially on the 10th of June.

Portugal’s Honorific Orders are attributed each year, on June 10th, by the President of the Portuguese Republic to a select group of individuals in recognition for their personal achievements and their distinguished services to Portugal.

Portugal Day, officially “ Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas” (Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities), is Portugal’s National Day. The holiday honors Luiz Vaz de Camões, Portugal’s national poet who died on the 10th of June 1580.  He wrote Os Lusiadas, Portugal’s national epic poem celebrating the country’s 16th century maritime achievements.

This year the holiday will be held in the Portuguese northern city of Guarda. The occasion is also celebrated throughout the world by the estimated 5 million Portuguese living abroad. The population of Portugal is estimated at 10, 6 million (2012).

2014 Diaspora Portugal Day honorees:

Order of Prince Henry – Ordem do Infante D. Henrique

• Johannes Laitenberger – EU (Grande Oficial)
• Juan Ignacio Zoido Alvarez – Spain (Grande Oficial)
• António José Calçada de Sá – Spain (Comendador)
• Fernando Cruz Gomes Antunes – Canada (Comendador)
• Hugo Monteiro Brilhante Sobral – EU (Comendador)
• João Carlos Martins – Brazil (Comendador)
• José António Coimbra de Matos – Luxemburg (Comendador)
• Paulo Carvalho – Belgium (Comendador)
• Percival Ivo Vital de Noronha – India (Comendador)
• José Leonel Rodrigues Teixeira – USA (Oficial)
• Maria Victoria William Haddad – Spain (Oficial)
• Michael Geoffrey F. J. Plumley – EU (Oficial)
• Urs Buhrer – Switerland (Oficial)

Order of Liberty – Ordem da Liberdade

• Maria Beatriz de Sena e Costa dos Santos Ferreira – Mozambique (Comendador)

 Order of Merit – Ordem do Mérito

• Alexis Tam Chon Weng – Macau, China (Comendador)
• João Luís Morgado Pacheco – USA (Comendador)
• Joaquim da Rocha Brites – Brazil (Comendador)
• José Ilídio Nascimento – South Africa (Comendador)
• José Manuel Salvador Duarte – Colombia (Comendador)
• Manuel Henrique Catarino do Carmo Pedro – Angola (Comendador)
• Marcelo Mattos Araújo – Brazil (Comendador)

 Order of Public Instruction – Ordem da Instrução Pública

• António R. Moreira – EUA (Comendador)

 Orders of Entrepreneurial Merit – Classe do Mérito Empresarial

• Sylvia Loch – United Kingdom (Comendador)

• António de Freitas – Venezuela (Comendador)
• José Maria Pinto da Cruz Teixeira – Morocco (Oficial)
• Wilson Sandro Teixeira – Canada (Oficial)

• Francisco Ivens Sá Dias Branco – Brazil (Grande Oficial)
• John G. Melo – USA (Grande Oficial)
• José Maria Marshall de Barros Lima Ivo – Chile (Grande Oficial)
• Pedro Pires de Miranda – Germany (Grande Oficial)

Read about Portugal’s Honorific Orders  here.



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