Portuguese American Journal

Contest: Portuguese added to International Latino Book Awards – Call for entries

The 15th Annual International Latino Book Awards (ILBA 2013) is calling for entries. For the first time, ILBA has included the Portuguese language as a book category.  Portuguese has also been added as a language in the translation category.

Under the Portuguese language books category, ILBA has included: Best Children’s Picture Book; Best Young Adult Book; Best Book (nonfiction); and Best Book (fiction). All entries must be received before February 28, 2013.

Based in Los Angeles, and sponsored by USA Book News, ILBA literary awards are specifically designed to be a promotional vehicle for authors and publishers to launch their careers, open global markets and compete with talented authors and publishers throughout the world.

Last year, judges included Pulitzer Prize winners, heads of national organizations, noted educators, media professionals, and past winners. This year, the awards are overseen by Kirk Whisler with assistance from Nora Comstock, Annie Perez, and Jim Sullivan.

In 2012, Portuguese-American author, Millicent Accardi, received an ILBA honorable mention for her book titled, Injuring Eternity, in the Best Poetry Award category. Last year, 148 authors and publishers were also awarded.

Established in 1997, the Annual International Latino Book Awards is one of the oldest and the largest Latino literary award competitions in the world. IBA will be exhibiting authors and publishers at the upcoming BookExpo America (BEA) being held in New York City from May 29 to June.

In addition to the International Latino Book Awards, the organization hosts the Latino Books into Movies Awards, the Latino Literacy Now Lifetime Achievement Award for excellence in publishing and the Latino Book & Family Festival series.

Finalists will be announced the week of April 22, 2013, prior to the Awards Ceremony. The awards cerimony event will be held May 30, 2013, at Instituto Cervantes, 211 E. 49th St, New York City.

For contact email Jim Sullivan at jim@lbff.us.

For entry forms and information visit ILBA’s website here

updated with corrections 02/08/13


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