Portuguese American Journal

Lesley University recruiting student teachers – Scholarships

Starting this summer Lesley University, based in Cambridge, MA,  is announcing the launching of a collaborative program  with Somerville Public School for a MA in Elementary Education with an ELL Specialization. This is an Initial License — says the announcement.

Lesley University is seeking to recruit culturally and linguistically diverse candidates (including African-Americans) for this program.

There are scholarships available for culturally linguistically diverse candidates or other candidates who may qualify. Bilingual Spanish-English and Portuguese-English are encouraged to particiapte. Tuition will be reduced for candidates adimtted to this summer program at Lesley University. Program description:

Lesley University – Somerville Public Schools
Collaborative Residency Program

Master of Education Degree Elementary (1- 6) Leading to Initial Teacher License with add License Preparation for ESL

  • Placement in high needs Urban ELL classrooms (SEI and Bilingual)
  • Courses taught on the Lesley campus by Lesley faculty as well as onsite by Somerville faculty (reduced fees for courses taken on-site in Somerville)
  • Internship (paid) in Summer Program for English Language Learners (SPELL)
  • Internship (paid) in after school tutoring program
  • Building-based substitute assignments (paid) 

To inquire about the program contact Rita Gordon (rgordon3@lesley.edu), Director of the Elementary Program or Sarah Davila sdavila@k12.somerville.ma.us

For more information.

Lesley University, with its component undergraduate colleges, graduate colleges and institutes offers more than 20 undergraduate majors and over 90 Adult Bachelor’s, Master’s, Certificates of Advanced Graduate Study, and Ph.D. programs at its Boston and Cambridge campuses. The university also offers M.Ed. and Ed.S. programs at more than 150 learning sites in 23 U.S. states. Despite its changing demographic, Lesley is still known as an educator’s college, with many New England educators at the K-12 and post-secondary levels choosing Lesley for their Master’s and M.Ed. degrees.


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