Katy Perry, singer and songwriter, was born in Santa Barbara, California, to parents of German, English and Portuguese descent, more specifically “Azorean” with roots in Horta, Faial, disclosed the Huffington Post.
According the source, Katy Perry, who was born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, adopted “Perry” from her mother’s maiden name: “The Perry branch of her family is of Portuguese origin (more specifically, Azorean) […] Three of her great-great-grandparents hailed from the Azores and it’s Horta that gets the bragging rights for her Perry origins” — writes the Huffpost.
In most instances, the name “Perry” is the anglicization of “Pereira” a very common Portuguese surname which translates to “pear tree.”
Besides her Azorean “Perry” connection, surnames adorning her family tree include Blank, Brace, Craig, Denis, Flemming, Hudson, and Vilsack.
As far as the American experience, her family has roots in California, Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont. Read more >>