Portuguese author Alice Vieira is visiting schools in Boston (MA), Providence (RI) and Newark (NJ), sponsored by Lisbon based Instituto Camões and the Embassy of Portugal in Washington, DC.
The objective of the visit is to meet teachers of Portuguese and to promote the interest for reading among Portuguese school children.
On April 10, Alice Vieira will close her program with a meeting at 15:30pm, at Casa dos Açores da Nova Inglaterra, at 160 Orchard Street East Providence (RI), where she will meet with teachers, students and parents.
On April 6, Alice Vieira visited schools in Boston and Cambridge (MA); on April 7, she visited public schools and the Consulate General of Portugal in New Bedford (MA); on April 8, she visited public schools in Providence (RI), and on April 9, she visited the Portuguese heritage language school — Luis de Camões — in in Newark (NJ)
Alice Vieira, a writer and journalist, is the author of more than 30 books for young children and young adults. In 1979 she received the “Prémio de Literatura Infantil Ano Internacional da Criança” award; in 1983 she was awarded the “Prémio Calouste Gulbenkian de Literatura Infantil”; and in 1994 she received the “Prémio Gulbenkian” award. For more information (617) 775-9161.