Portuguese American Journal

1st RSAI International Summer Course – Azores

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) organizes its 1st Summer Course, with the theme “Regional and Urban Economics, Theory, Analysis and Operational Models” to be held June 13-21,  in Terceira island, Azores, in partnership with the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD), the University of the Azores and the Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR).

The 1st RSAI Summer Course offers an integrated structure of training, active participation, and discussion for PhD students and young researchers in regional science. It will focuse on the issue Regional and Urban Economics, Theory, Analysis and Operational Models.

The format is a combination of lectures and hands on training, provided by top-level experts that will lecture the following themes of regional science: Urban and regional economics; Spatial econometrics; and Operational models of regional economies.

Founded in 1954, RSAI is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impact of national or global processes of economic and social change.

The work of RSAI draws on the expertise of many different disciplines and this multi-disciplinary approach helps to facilitate new theoretical insights for tackling regional problems.

The Association fosters the exchange of ideas and research within regional science through its publications and the international scientific conferences it hosts. It serves as an umbrella organization overseeing three major superregional organizations in North America, Europe and the Pacific.

The scientific committee is composed by the following members:

  • Alessandra Faggian (University of Southampton)
  • Eduardo Haddad (University of S. Paulo)
  • Henk Folmer (University of Groningen)
  • Geoffrey Hewings (University of Illinois)
  • Higano Yoshiro (University of Tsukuba)
  • Jacques Poot (University of Waikato)
  • José Pedro Pontes (Technical University of Lisbon)
  • Mark Partridge (Ohio State University)
  • Ping Wang (Washington University)-
  • Tomaz Dentinho (University of Azores/APDR)

Organising Committee

  • Mário Mesquita (Luso-American Development Foundation)
  • António Vicente (Luso-American Development Foundation)
  • Elisabete Martins (APDR)
  • Tomaz Dentinho (University of Azores/ APDR)

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